Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mallard In Flight

Mallard In Flight
Originally uploaded by Mr. McPorkchop!
Its nice to be back home for Christmas break from school. My dad got a new digital SLR camera similar to mine, so we went out to a nearby waterfowl refuge to take some pictures. I got a nice one of this Mallard duck flying up out of the reeds and tules.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Arcata Marsh

Oh no, I'm SHY!
Originally uploaded by Mr. McPorkchop!
The weather over here in Eureka has been so nice lately, extremely nice for mid December! I have been out in the marsh taking so many photos, here is a favorite of mine, I caught this guy while flapping his wings and it looks like he is being shy!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Start Of A New Blog...

Since I accidentally deleted my old blog, I am trying to re-establish a new one. I am getting ready to go away for the Thanksgiving holiday in a couple days, so I am going to post a few of my old photos to get started. I am hopefully going to be getting a bunch of new photographs taken while back home visiting family. Thanks for stopping by!

Short Eared Owl

Above: Short Eared Owl

Marsh Hawk watching me

Above: Marsh Hawk