Thursday, May 14, 2009

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow
Originally uploaded by Mr. McPorkchop!
I got a quick shot of this Barn Swallow while I was at the Arcata Marsh.

Loggerhead Shrike!

I got a shot of a Loggerhead Shrike the other day when I was back home. These little guys will kill small birds and eat them, they have a very powerful little hooked bill. They also will catch insects and impale them on sharp thorns or barbed wire fences.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Young Wild Pig

Young Wild Pig
Originally uploaded by Mr. McPorkchop!
I went out for a drive a couple of weeks ago, and found some wild pigs roaming around. The little guys like this one were out exploring while momma pig watched from the shade of an oak tree.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

American Kestrel

American Kestrel
Originally uploaded by Mr. McPorkchop!
After kind of a slow morning trying to photograph birds at the Arcata Marsh, I drove down to the Samoa Dunes O.H.V. Area, and found this American Kestrel sitting on a sign, and he was kind enough to hold still while I took his picture. I wish the lighting was better, but it was a very overcast day.